Thursday, 24 March 2011


I've received about five more submissions this week! Working on the editing and the template for the book. Kind of stressing because I need some more submissions (spread the word!!) but Inshallah it will work out. Can't believe there is only one more month until my undergraduate career is over! I am so ready for May 15!!

I have to present my progress on this project tomorrow at 4pm. Its 1:05 am and I'm trying to see what I can present. I guess I will just give the status because I sooo need to sleep.

Until another time,



  1. assalamu alaikum,
    wht is the submission deadline? when do YOU want people's stories by?

  2. Wa alaikum assalaam,

    The deadline is tentatively set for April 15. Preferably sooner but that should be my cut off date so I can work on perfecting the book in time for my presentation. Are you considering a submission?

  3. um, yes I was actually considering a submission. I'm not that good but i can try. what kind of stories do you want? can you please give me all the details? my email is

  4. oh, actually, sorry.i just read your first post (i know what kinda stories you're looking for). But, does it have to be a real story? or can it be fictional story with real experiences incorporated into it?

  5. Yes, I am looking for real stories. I want it to be as real as possible. :)
